
Children’s Hub

During the first lockdown I developed this Children’s Hub, adding daily stories* and tasks here, a different year group each day. The purpose of these was primarily to support parents home-schooling their children.

My aim was to provide tasks that children could access by themselves, working with me, whilst their parents worked from home or home-schooled another child.

As the weeks progressed, many teachers also used my stories and tasks with the children of key workers and, as more children returned to school, I decided to develop my existing stories and tasks so that they were aimed primarily at teachers who could use them as the basis for units of work.  In each year group area, there are examples of grammar exercises, ‘short-burst writing’ opportunities, reading-for-fluency practice (younger age groups) and reading comprehension questions linked to seven age appropriate stories for children in Y1 – Y3 and one longer age-appropriate story for children in Y4 – Y6. These can be adapted to any story so please feel free to mix and match.

Please note that I used my reading question stems to develop the comprehension questions for the reading tasks and ‘Reading Between the Lines’ by Delamain and Spring to develop inference questions for Y5/Y6.  Also note that I used my grammar question stems to develop some of the writing tasks.


Further resources

Also refer to my Progression in Grammar and Punctuation powerpoint which will support with addressing gaps in learning, along with the linked explanatory video.

Finally, don’t forget the videos linked to my writing exemplification that will support you with knowing what age related and greater depth look like for the year group you are teaching.

*Thank you to the publishers who have granted permission for their books to be read during the coronavirus crisis so that all children can continue to enjoy listening to amazing stories.


Please note that there are some videos with information about writing a WAGOLL linked to some of the texts in The Children’s Hub, one for each year group, in the ONLINE CPD area.